Project Management & Scrum Certification Preparation Exams Bundle Is Up For A Massive Discount For A Few Hours – Avail Now

Project Management & Scrum Certification Preparation Exams Bundle

Project management has gained popularity over the years and it is now a very sought after skill set. You can get the necessary skills too and this will help you advance your career and create avenues for you to earn big bucks. Wccftech is offering a limited time discount offer on the Project Management & Scrum Certification Preparation Exams Bundle. The offer will expire in a few hours, so you should avail it right away.

Project Management & Scrum Certification Preparation Exams Bundle Features

The bundle is extensive and contains 9 courses. Each course will help you prepare for exams and certifications that you will need to become an effective manager. All the courses have been designed by experts with years of experience and you will not regret making this investment. Here are highlights of what the Project Management & Scrum Certification Preparation Exams Bundle has in store for you:

  • Scrum Certification Prep + Scrum Master+ Agile Scrum Training
    Add Agile & Scrum to Your Project Management Toolbox and Handle Complex Work with Ease
  • Agile Project Management: Scrum Step-by-Step with Examples
    Get Familiar with One of Today's Leading Project Management Methodologies
  • Product Management: Agile Requirements using Product Backlog
    Manage Requirements as a Scrum Product Owner Using User Stories
  • Kanban: Productivity & Efficiency for Agile Lean Project
    Reduce Bottlenecks, Visualize Workflow with the Kanban Board
  • Scrum Master Training: Case Studies & Confessions
    Hands-On Guide to Delivering Projects on Time with 14 Lectures & 7 Scrum Project Case Studies
  • Scrum Advanced: Software Development & Program Management
    Manage & Complete Even the Most Complex Project for Your Team with Advanced Scrum Skills, Techniques and Methods
  • User Stories for Agile Scrum+Product Owner+Business Analysis
    Discover the Benefits of Writing & Analyzing Use Stories
  • Agile Retrospective: Continuous Improvement+Kaizen with Scrum
    Learn About the Self-Improving Qualities of the Sprint Retrospective
  • Project Management: Deliver on Time + Scrum Project Delivery
    Save Time & Money By Learning How to Leverage Scrum Project Management

Original Price Project Management & Scrum Certification Preparation Exams Bundle: $45.99
Wccftech Discount Price Project Management & Scrum Certification Preparation Exams Bundle: $1,800

The post Project Management & Scrum Certification Preparation Exams Bundle Is Up For A Massive Discount For A Few Hours – Avail Now by Zarmeen Shahzad appeared first on Wccftech.

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