Outriders PC-Console Auto Crossplay Shut Off as the Game Struggles With Connection Issues


We all know the drill by now – a new online game launches, and players are stuck staring at connection screens instead of actually playing. The launch of Outriders hasn’t been as bad as some games, but there have been issues with long waits to get into games, disconnections, and crashes. Outriders developers People Can Fly have assured fans they’re fully aware of the issues and working on fixes.

One of the most vexing problems seems to be crossplay between PC and consoles. As such, auto crossplay between PC and consoles has been shut off, and Outriders’ developers are recommending you avoid it altogether for now…

Known Crossplay Disconnects Between Pc And Console

  • In preparing the Day 1 builds for PC and Consoles, we discovered a desynchronization between the PC and Console code. This results in a backend mismatch which causes players to be kicked out of a multiplayer game that includes both Console and PC players.
  • We are treating this issue with the highest priority and we are working on patches that will synchronize all platform code, which will resolve these issues.
  • Steam & Epic can successfully play together.
  • PlayStation and Xbox players can successfully play together.


  • We have temporarily turned off automatic matchmaking between PC and Consoles. Steam & Epic players can still Crossplay together, either by invite or via matchmaking.
  • Should you invite a Console player into your PC game via an invite code (or vice versa), the game will initially connect, but one player will eventually be kicked out of the game. We highly recommend against doing this until we have patched all versions of the game.

Hopefully People Can Fly can get their ducks in a row soon, because the response to Outriders has, overall, been pretty positive. It would be a shame to derail the game’s momentum. They’re currently tracking a number of concerns on Reddit, including performance issues with DirectX 12 on PC. Some of these problems have workarounds, so do check the page if you’re having issues.

Outriders is available now on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, and Stadia.

The post Outriders PC-Console Auto Crossplay Shut Off as the Game Struggles With Connection Issues by Nathan Birch appeared first on Wccftech.

source https://wccftech.com/outriders-issues-pc-console-crossplay-shut-off/
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