Coronavirus eviction ban in England set to end: what it means for renters and landlords

The ban on eviction enforcement in England will come to an end on 31 May.

From 1 June, bailiffs will be able to repossess properties once again, and landlords will no longer have to give six months’ notice before commencing eviction proceedings.

Here, we explain the eviction rules in place around the UK and offer advice on landlord and tenant rights during Covid-19.

Eviction ban set to end in England

Last year, the UK nations moved to offer tenants greater protection from eviction in light of the Covid-19 outbreak.

These protections involved pausing evictions from being enforced by bailiffs in the rented sector.

The eviction ban in England has been extended several times, but it will now come to an end on 31 May.

From 1 June, two rules will change.

Bailiffs will once again be able to enforce evictions, although they will be asked not to do so if someone in the property has Covid-19 symptoms or is self-isolating.

In addition, landlords will only need to give four months’ notice of eviction, rather than the six months that has been required during the pandemic.

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Eviction rules around the UK

  • England: eviction enforcement is permitted from 1 June. In addition, landlords commencing eviction proceedings will only be required to give four months notice (rather than six) except ‘in the most serious of cases’, such as instances of domestic abuse or anti-social behaviour.
  • Scotland: the eviction ban will run until 30 September for all areas under level 3 or level 4 restrictions. This will be reviewed every 21 days. Landlords commencing eviction proceedings must give six months’ notice in most cases. They can give three months’ notice if they or their family intend to move in to the property or they have their licence revoked, or 28 days’ notice if the tenant has engaged in criminal behaviour or has already moved out.
  • Wales: evictions are banned until 30 June, though this will be subject to regular review. Landlords starting eviction proceedings must give six months’ notice except in cases of anti-social behaviour or domestic violence.
  • Northern Ireland: there is no ban on eviction enforcement in Northern Ireland, but Landlords must give tenants 12 weeks’ notice before starting eviction proceedings until 30 September.

Covid-19 mortgage support for landlords

Some support is available for landlords and tenants facing financial difficulties due to the ongoing pandemic.

Landlords whose tenants are struggling to pay rent can no longer apply for mortgage payment holidays, but banks will instead offer tailored support measures – which could include options such as temporarily pausing payments or reducing interest, or extending the mortgage term.

The government says that tenants who are unable to afford their rent should speak to their landlord directly to try to reach an agreement, which could include reducing or suspending payments in the short term.

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Tenant rights and assistance during Covid-19

You’re still required to pay your rent as per the terms of your tenancy agreement, but landlords are being encouraged to offer support for renters who are struggling.

If you’re not currently earning, you might be able to qualify for financial support. Housing Allowance and Universal Credit have been increased to cover housing costs. In addition, the government says it has also made £180m available to councils to provide discretionary housing payments to tenants struggling to pay their rent. Check with your council to see if you’re eligible.

Tenants in Wales may be able to apply for Tenant Saver Loans offered by credit unions, and renters with low incomes in Scotland may be able to claim Local Housing Allowance.

Your right to live in a safe property is unaffected by the coronavirus outbreak. Your landlord is still responsible for conducting essential maintenance and dealing with urgent issues (for example if the boiler breaks down).

If your tenancy agreement is coming to an end and you’re concerned about moving during the pandemic, speak to your landlord about your options. Some landlords may be willing to discuss a month-by-month agreement given the current circumstances.

Buy-to-let landlord advice during Covid-19

Your responsibilities as a landlord are unaffected by Covid-19, so any essential repairs must still be conducted, and planned gas and electrical safety inspections should be arranged wherever possible.

If for some reason you can’t have essential work carried out (for example if the tenant is self-isolating), then you should document your attempts to do so in case your council requests evidence.

You can now carry out viewings and let out homes, but you’ll need to adhere to the government’s guidelines. These including social distancing, wearing a face covering and providing separate towels for people coming to view properties.

If a current tenant is isolating or has Covid-19 symptoms, you won’t be able to conduct viewings.

This story was originally published in March 2020, but has since been updated. The last update was on 14 May 2021 with news of the eviction ban in England ending on 31 May.


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