Turn On Windows Startup Sound In Your Windows 10 Computers In Just A Few Steps

Windows Startup Sound

Remember there was a time before Windows 10 when starting up our computers meant hearing an iconic Windows Startup sound that all of us associated with Windows or looking at our desktop screens? You could be at a bar, and if the Windows Start chime played, you would always think that someone just started their computer. Well, sadly, the sound existed on Windows 7 and versions older than that.

However, the best thing is that the chime wasn’t exactly removed. The newer versions had the sound disabled, but you can turn it back on if you want. In just a few steps, I will show you how to turn the sound back on. But if you don’t like it anymore, I can show you how to disable it as well.

Enable Windows Startup Sound

Step-1: Go to the Start Menu and Click on the Settings cog. (Shortcut Keys: Win + I)

Start Menu-Settings
Step-2: When the settings screen opens up, click on Personalization.

Windows Start Sound
Step-3: When the settings open up, you will see multiple personalization options on the left side of your screen. Click on Themes.

Personalization Options
Step-4: When the Themes settings open up, click on the Sounds Tab.

Windows Start Chime
Step-5: When the Sounds settings open up, check on the box Play Windows Startup Sound in the Sounds tab.

Windows Start Chime
Step-6: Click Apply, then click OK.

Windows Startup Sound

Now the next time you restart or reboot your computer, you will hear the iconic windows chime.

Disable Sound

The process of disabling the Windows Start chime is just as easy. The steps are the same as enabling the sound except for Step 5. If you don’t like the startup sound, follow the steps below to disable it.

Step-1: Go to the Start Menu and Click on Settings. (Shortcut Keys: Win + I)
Step-2: Click on Personalization.
Step-3: Under Personalization settings on the left side-click on Themes.
Step-4: Click on the Sound Tab in Themes.
Step-5: This time, instead of checking the box Play Windows Startup Sound uncheck it.

Disable Windows Startup Sound
Step-6: Click Apply.
Step-7: Click OK.

The Windows Start chime has now been disabled.

The post Turn On Windows Startup Sound In Your Windows 10 Computers In Just A Few Steps by Zarmeen Shahzad appeared first on Wccftech.

source https://wccftech.com/how-to/windows-startup-sound-windows-10-computers/
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