The Elder Scrolls VI Is Still in a Design Phase, Todd Howard Says

The Elder Scrolls VI

Despite having been announced three years ago, The Elder Scrolls VI still hasn't gone past the design phase, according to Todd Howard.

Speaking with The Telegraph, Howard revealed that the sixth main entry in The Elder Scrolls series is still in a design phase. The developer, however, is also checking the tech so to make sure that the engine will be able to power the game properly. The Elder Scrolls VI will be powered by the Creation Engine 2, which has also been built for Bethesda's next big RPG, Starfield.

The [new Starfield] technology, Creation Engine 2, is sort of built for both. It’s like a new tech base. The vast majority of our development development work is on Starfield right now but everybody works on everything so the projects kind of intertwine.

It’s good to think of The Elder Scrolls 6 as still being in a design [phase]… but we’re checking the tech: 'Is this going to handle the things we want to do in that game?' Every game will have some new suites of technology so Elder Scrolls 6 will have some additions on to Creation Engine 2 that that game is going to require.

The Elder Scrolls VI has been announced back in 2018, and very little has been said about the game since. According to Pete Hines, the early announcement was made to show that Bethesda didn't abandon single-player games with the release of Fallout 76.

Actually, I should not be quite so dismissive of the question, which is to say - the timeframe for Bethesda Game Studios titles has not changed at all. What changed was our desire to lay out a roadmap of those titles, not like, hey they're going to be putting out a game every nine months, no, it still takes them years in between projects, but because we were doing something so different on Fallout 76, taking that franchise in such a different direction, doing an online game that doesn't look like something you'd expect from BGS, we thought it was important to say: hey, new IP, single player, sci-fi thing coming, hey we are doing The Elder Scrolls VI after that. So that people didn't start spinning off on, like, that's the end of single player games from Bethesda Games Studios. Timeframe-wise, it would still be about as long as you'd expect when you look at Fallout 3 to Skyrim to Fallout 4 to Fallout 76. It's still going to be those periods of time, that hasn't changed. Or at least, I don't think it will change from that based on what I know.

The Elder Scrolls VI will release on a yet to be confirmed release date.

The post The Elder Scrolls VI Is Still in a Design Phase, Todd Howard Says by Francesco De Meo appeared first on Wccftech.

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