Lockdown latest: lockdown will end on 19 July in England, PM confirms

Prime minister Boris Johnson has announced that almost all lockdown restrictions will be removed on 19 July. 

The final stage of the government’s lockdown lifting roadmap – delayed from 21 June – will see nearly all legal restrictions on social contact lifted, though some guidance will still remain.

Nightclubs, closed since the start of the pandemic, will be permitted to reopen and social distancing will be scrapped. Mask-wearing will no longer be a legal requirement, though it is still advised in crowded indoor places with people you don’t know.

Though Johnson previously said the roadmap was ‘irreversible’, he has now said this will only be the case if people behave cautiously once rules are eased.

‘This pandemic is not over,’ he told a press conference on Monday. ‘This disease coronavirus continues to carry risks for you and for your family. We cannot simply revert instantly from Monday 19 July to life as it was before Covid.’

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will announce plans for Scotland at 2pm today, while Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford will announce his nations’ next steps on Wednesday 14 July.

Here, Which? explains the current rules and upcoming changes under each UK nation’s roadmap out of lockdown, and reveals how the rule of six (or four, 10 or 30) works where you are. Click the links for the rules in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

What are the rules in England from 19 July

At the moment, England’s rules are the same as they have been since 17 May. But from next Monday a lot will change.

Social distancing

Rules will be dropped completely, meaning no more ‘rule of six’ for meeting inside, and no ‘one metre plus’ requirement for spacing between patrons at pubs and restaurants.

Masks and face coverings

The law will no longer require people to wear face coverings in shops or on public transport, but people will still be advised to do so.

The government’s stance on this has caused some confusion, and people may have to wait and see whether travel companies and retailers implement their own requirements for masks after 19 July, even though it is no longer mandated by law.

Venue reopenings

Nightclubs, which have been closed since March 2020, will be able to reopen. The prime minister has said nightclubs and other venues hosting crowds should encourage visitors to show so-called ‘vaccine passports’ when they arrive, but there will be no legal requirement for them to do this at first.

Working from home

The current guidance to work from home where possible will be removed. However, ministers are encouraging the return to offices to be gradual.


One of the only legal restrictions left will be the requirement to self-isolate if you contract Covid-19. You’ll also have to self-isolate if you have come into contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus.

From 16 August, this second requirement will be dropped for children under 18 and for people who have been double vaccinated.


As has already been announced, holidays to ‘amber list’ countries will be allowed for people who have had two vaccine shots. Whether your holiday can actually go ahead will still depend on a number of factors, including whether your destination allows visitors from the UK.

England’s current lockdown rules explained

The rules in England last changed on 17 May, when indoor socialising was reintroduced.

The 30-person cap on weddings was lifted on 21 June, but other social distancing rules for weddings remain in place.

The current restrictions outlined below will remain in place until 19 July.

Pubs and restaurants open indoors: what are the rules?

Pubs and restaurants can now welcome patrons inside. The ‘rule of six’ (or two households) applies, as it does with indoor socialising in people’s homes.

The ‘one metre plus’ rule is also still in effect, meaning tables need to be spaced out or separated with screens.

Non-essential shops, hairdressers and barbers open

Hairdressers, barbers and shops are also open.

Shops are allowed to stay open until 10pm from Monday to Saturday in a bid to spread out shoppers and avoid congestion.

What are the rules for meeting friends and family?

A maximum of six people, or any number of people from two households, are able to meet indoors.

Children of all ages count towards this limit.

Experts are stressing that meeting outdoors is safer, and opening windows for ventilation is advised when meeting inside.

Groups of up to 30 people can now meet outside. When meeting friends and family, social distancing is optional. This means you don’t have to keep ‘one metre plus’ distance from each other.

Despite this, the Prime Minister has said that people should use ‘care and common sense’ when deciding whether to hug friends and family, and that factors like vaccination status should be taken into account.

What else changed on 17 May?

Cinemas, theatres, museums and soft-play areas have also reopened. Social distancing is required for audiences at most events in these venues, and larger theatres and concert halls may have capacity limits in place.

For holidays in England, hotels and B&Bs are open for groups of up to six (or two households).

As for international travel, people do not have to quarantine upon return if they visit one of the countries on the government’s ‘green list’. However, the green list countries themselves might not allow UK holidaymakers to enter.

Scotland’s Covid-19 restrictions

Most of Scotland is under Level 1 or 2 lockdown restrictions, with some islands under Level 0.

Scotland’s timetable for easing lockdown had 28 June as the earliest date for the whole country moving to Level 0. Nicola Sturgeon has now said that the likely date for this change will instead be 19 July.

The details below apply to the areas under Level 2. See the Scottish government’s website for the rules at Level 0 and Level 1.

Pubs and restaurants reopen inside

Pubs and restaurants are now open inside and outside in Level 2 areas. Inside, six people from up to three different households can meet. Children under the age of 12 don’t count towards the six, but they do count towards the household limit.

Outside, up to eight people from eight different households can meet. In this case, under-12s don’t count towards the number of people or households.

Barbers and hairdressers reopen

Hairdressers and barbers are now back up and running, along with non-essential shops.

What are the rules around meeting friends and family?

People living in Level 2 areas of Scotland can meet people from other households inside their home. Up to six people from three different households can meet.

As with pubs and restaurants, under-12s don’t count towards the six-person limit, but they do count towards the three households. This means a group with children from four separate households would not be allowed.

You don’t have to physically distance from family and friends, but you’re advised to minimise the number of different meetings you have, keep rooms well ventilated and not to share food or utensils.

If you’re meeting outside, up to eight people from eight different households can meet. Children under the age of 12 don’t count towards the total number of people or households.

What else has reopened?

All holiday accommodation, including hotels and B&Bs, is now open in Level 2 areas.

Cinemas, theatres, music venues and even stadiums can all reopen, although larger venues have capacity limits in place.

What are the rules in Wales?

Wales’ lockdown rules were relaxed slightly on 7 June. Larger events are now permitted, and more people can meet to socialise outside.

The Welsh government has not confirmed a date for further lockdown easing at this stage.

Pubs and restaurants open inside

You can once again eat and drink inside pubs and restaurants in Wales.

Groups of up to six people from six households (not including children under 11) can meet together inside.

Shops and hairdressers now open

Wales’ non-essential retailers are now open, as are barbers, hairdressers and beauty salons.

What are the rules around meeting friends and family?

Groups of up to 30 people can meet outside in Wales. Children under the age of 11 and carers don’t count towards the limit.

You can form an ‘exclusive extended household’ with people from up to two other households, whom you can meet with inside.

What else is open?

Holiday accommodation, cinemas and theatres are now open, and international travel has resumed (see below for more).

Larger events like concerts and football matches can now host up to 4,000 people standing and 10,000 people seated, subject to risk assessment.

Northern Ireland’s restrictions explained

Northern Ireland’s most recent round of lockdown easing came on 5 July, and more is expected on 26 July. The current rules are below.

Shops and hairdressers now open

Non-essential shops, hairdressers and barbers have now reopened, along with other close-contact services such as beauty and nail salons.

Pubs and restaurants reopen inside

Up to six people (not including children under the age of 12) from any number of households can sit together.

What are the rules around socialising?

Up to six people from up to two households can meet inside a private home. This limit rises to 10 if one household has six or more members. Children under the age of 12 don’t count towards these limits.

Up to 15 people (including children) from up to five households can meet outside in private gardens.

In outdoor public spaces such as parks, gatherings of up to 30 people are allowed. For a gathering of more than 30, a risk assessment is required.

What about travel and holidays?

Currently, ‘staycations’ in self-catered accommodation are allowed in every UK nation. England, Scotland and Wales have reopened hotels, hostels and B&Bs as well.

International travel has also resumed for every UK nation. You can visit countries on the government’s ‘green list’ without having to quarantine upon return, though you will need to take Covid-19 tests.

(Originally published 23 June 2020 and regularly updated since to reflect changes to the guidelines. Last updated 13 July 2021.)

source https://www.which.co.uk/news/2021/07/coronavirus-restrictions-easing-what-is-reopening-when/
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