7 ways to help your child stay healthy this winter

Whether it’s a croup, a nasty cold or an itchy rash, it’s not uncommon for children to fall ill during the colder months of the year.

The experts tell us what’s doing the rounds this year and what you can do right now to illness-proof your little ones.

What should you put in your family first aid kit?

1. Know if it’s a Covid-19 cough or something else

If your child has a new continuous cough – which means coughing a lot, for more than an hour or three or more coughing episodes in 24 hours – along with a high temperature or loss or change to sense of smell or taste, it might be Covid-19. Get them a PCR test (one that’s sent to a lab) and self-isolate until the results come through.

However, an RCPCH (Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health) spokesperson says other coughing illnesses, such as croup, and bronchiolitis caused by the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), are more prevalent in children than Covid-19 right now.

Whooping cough and croup have a very distinctive sound. Whooping cough causes a ‘whoop’ sound and with croup your child will make a barking cough that sounds like a seal. An RSV cough may be ‘wet’ and accompanied by a wheezing or whistling sound.

If your child has a cough, keep an eye on it at home (most coughs get better by themselves). You can speak to your GP or pharmacist about pain relief, but if it lasts for three weeks or more or it appears to have gone onto their chest, see your GP as they may need antibiotics or further investigations.

2. Watch out for rashes

Rashes in babies and children can be caused by a range of things, and they’re usually nothing to worry about.

This winter has seen a rise in the number of cases of hand, foot and mouth disease, which can lead to symptoms including sore throat, temperature and loss of appetite, followed by mouth ulcers and raised, blister-like sores on the feet and hands and sometimes on the thighs and bottom, too.

Antibiotics aren’t effective for hand, foot and mouth disease because it’s caused by a virus but it usually gets better on its own in 7-10 days.

If this doesn’t sound like the rash your child has, it’s worth checking our guide to find out what rash it could be.

The NHS says: ‘It can be harder to see a change in skin colour on brown and black skin. Check the soles of the feet, palms, lips, tongue and inside the eyelids for colour changes.’

If you’re worried about a rash, the safest thing is to see your GP or practice nurse, call NHS 111 or if you’re especially concerned (for example if you’re worried it might be meningitis) go to A&E.

VIDEO: Find out what different rashes look like

3. Check for head lice

Winter months and key events such as Christmas mean that all of us, including children, are spending more time cooped up indoors – the perfect conditions for headlice to spread.

A child that has been infected will often be seen scratching their head a lot, and when you inspect their scalp you’ll see small brown headlice and/or white specks called nits, which are the empty egg cases.

A variety of treatment types are available, including combing, herbal products and chemical products that suffocate the lice .

Not sure which one to go for? Find out which head lice treatment brands including Full Marks, Hedrin, Lyclear and Nitty Gritty are rated by parents.

How do you spot headlice and nits?

4. Keep a thermometer handy

The temperature of a baby or child is normally around 36.4°C and a high temperature or fever is generally considered to be a 38°C or above.

You may notice if your child has a high temperature if they’re feeling hotter than usual when you touch their forehead, back or stomach, they feel sweaty or clammy or have flushed cheeks, but checking with a thermometer will let you know for certain.

Read our guide on how to take a baby or child’s temperature for more tips and guidance.

Some of the most popular thermometers are infrared tympanic thermometers (ear thermometers) but you can also get infrared ‘no touch’ thermometers for use on the forehead, as well as digital oral thermometers. Old-fashioned mercury ones are no longer recommended.

Check out our reviews of digital thermometers to ensure you pick one that’s accurate, easy to use and comfortable for your child

5. Give your child vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for bone health and a healthy immune system.

It is known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’ because, although we get some vitamin D from food, the best source of it is the action of sunlight on our skin. However, it can be difficult for babies and children to get enough vitamin D from the sun, especially in winter, which is why a separate supplement is recommended.

The government advises vitamin D supplementation between October and early March but experts say there’s no harm in giving the same dose – 400IU or 10 micrograms per day – to children in the spring and autumn months, too.

Shefalee Loth, Which? nutritionist, says: ‘If your baby is on formula milk they don’t need a separate supplement as it contains vitamin D.’

Vitamin D: what’s the best baby and child supplement?

6. Have some pain relief medication to hand

Whether it’s ibuprofen- or paracetamol-based, no household with kids is complete without some illness or pain relief medication close to hand.

It’s frequently used for sore throats, aches and pains, fevers and teething.

In our 2021 survey of 2,010 parents with children under 12, almost all (92%) told us they had used infant pain relief, with a quarter using it every one to three months, and in almost a quarter of cases (23%) they administered it as soon as their little ones started feeling unwell.

Remember to follow the dosing instructions and that children under 16 shouldn’t take paracetamol and ibuprofen together.

Over the age of 16, there is a wider range of painkiller products that you might want to consider. Find out which are the best painkillers: aspirin, ibuprofen or paracetamol.

What’s in Calpol and other infant paracetamol pain relief?

7. Feed children a healthy diet

A nourishing diet is important throughout the year but in the colder months, when winter bugs and infections are doing the rounds, it’s even more vital.

Bahee Van de Bor, specialist paediatric dietitian and British Dietetic Association spokesperson, says: ‘A healthy winter diet for kids should incorporate fruit and vegetables, which are rich in vitamin C to support immune function and help fight coughs and colds.’

She says vitamin A-rich foods also have a role in immunity, as well as iron and zinc.

Foods that contain vitamin A include cheese, eggs and oily fish, while iron can be found in fortified breakfast cereals, red meat and dried fruit such as dried apricots.

Zinc is in dairy foods, bread and wheatgerm cereal products.

The truth about boosting your immune system


source https://www.which.co.uk/news/2021/11/7-ways-to-help-your-child-stay-healthy-this-winter/
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