The cot mattress brands giving parents grief

A cot mattress needs to be firm, flat and durable. But our safety tests show that popular brands don’t always guarantee you’ll get a mattress you’ll be happy with.

In February 2021, we asked 1,878 parents which brand of cot mattress they owned, if they were satisfied with it and if they would recommend it to a friend.

Read on to find out which brands we asked parents about that have left parents wanting more, and which brands parents have reported the least issues with.

Start your search now by reading our Best Buy cot mattress reviews

The least popular cot mattress brands

We asked parents how happy they are with their cot mattress brand and how likely they would be to recommend the brand, and combined them into an overall customer score.

The feedback from parents varies, with the top brand scoring 83% with parents, and the lowest brand scored 59%.

The eight (out of 20) lowest-scoring brands with parents from our survey were:

To find out the order, and the brands with the highest customer scores, head to our best cot mattress brands guide.

We’ve tested cot mattresses from all these brands except My First Mattress and Snuz, read our full cot mattress reviews to find out if their cot mattresses are supportive and safe.

By checking which brands parents love, and reading our expert reviews, you can find the perfect cot mattress for your little one.

two hands pressing down on white cot mattress

Which? cot mattress tests

Our cot mattress testing is tough.

We believe it is essential, to ensure unsafe products are held to account, so parents can make the best choices.

We test to the latest version of the cot mattress safety standard BS EN 16890:2017 + A1:2021. It’s voluntary, meaning manufacturers don’t have to meet it, but we often test cot mattresses that claim to meet this voluntary standard and fail.

Our tests check for hazards including:

  • Choking hazards – such as zips that break too easily, loose stickers, or the inner material of the cot mattress being too easily accessible.
  • Entrapment hazards – cot mattresses too small for their cot can have gaps between the mattress and bed frame, that a baby’s limb could get trapped in and cause injury.
  • Suffocation hazards – a cot mattress that’s too soft can present a suffocation risk for a newborn baby.

We also check a mattress is durable enough to remain supportive and safe to use after several years of use.

Only cot mattresses that are firm, durable and safe get our Best Buy recommendation.

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