To create a great blog post you much need to have basic SEO experience. With a well optimized blog post you can get ranking easily on search ranking without creating backlink. Well, let’s see how to create a blog post that will get 95–100% score with any seo tools.
If the keywords is: great blog post
You know that, Google displays the first 50–60 characters of a title. So make sure your title is between 50 - 60 characters.
Title should have the keywords. Example: How to write a great blog post - Complete Beginner Guide (56 characters).
Did you notice, I have used the keywords on the title?
Use custom URL to become it more SEO friendly. The keywords should have at the beginning of the URL. Check out below example.
Example: example. com/great-blog-post
Meta description:
Meta description should be between 155–160 characters. It should have the keywords. Notice below example and see how I write it.
Example: Do you know how to write a great blog post? Well, stop searching and read complete guide and end of this article you can write well seo optimized article (153 characters).
Length should be minimum 800 words with related image and if possible have a video.
Write content with small paragraph and use H2 with the keywords.
Avoid keyword surfing on content. Just use the keywords on subheading.
Must use 1 outbound link to high authority site. Make sure the link is nofollow.
Use related internal link to other post. If don’t have related post use other post as a recommendation.
Image Alt:
The alt tag should be the keywords only.