Energy supplier not getting readings from your smart meter? You’re not alone

Problems with energy firms receiving gas and electricity readings from smart meters was the most common problem reported in our survey of smart meter owners.

We asked Which? members to tell us about issues they had had with their smart meters in the last 12 months. Overall, nearly a quarter (23%) of those with smart meters told us they’d had one or more problems with them in the last year.

Of those who reported a problem, two fifths (41%) said their energy company wasn't automatically receiving readings.

One of the main benefits of having a smart meter is that it takes the hassle of out meter readings. They should do it for you and send it straight to your provider. Regular, frequent meter readings help ensure that your bills and direct debit payments are as accurate as possible.

So it’s all the more frustrating if your energy company stops getting your smart meter readings.

Nearly as many problems (40%) were to do with the in-home display not working - the gadget that shows you what your energy use is in real time. Again, this is one of the main key benefits of having a smart meter at all, so it's frustrating when it's not working as it should.

Many of the smart meter problems reported to us are fixable with a bit of know-how and your energy firm’s help. If you’re having trouble with your smart meter, it’s worth persevering to solve the problem so you can make the most of its benefits again.

We surveyed 16,000 Which? Connect panel members in December 2022, of whom 9,417 had one or more smart meters.

Is it worth getting a smart prepayment meter?

Despite the problems we've heard about from some smart meter owners, there are still significant benefits to getting one installed, especially if you have a traditional prepayment meter. 

Issues with meter readings aren't so relevant if you pay as you go, as you don't need your smart meter to send readings to your energy provider.

Your energy company will also be able to tell if you're struggling to pay your energy bills at an earlier stage so it can provide support more quickly.

That's why we're calling on energy companies to prioritise prepayment customers for smart meters, where it’s right for those households.

Common smart meter issues for 2023

23% of people with a smart meter in our survey reported having had a problem with it in the last 12 months. Of those who had a problem:

  • 41% said their energy supplier had not received meter readings;
  • 40% said their in-home display was not working;
  • 26% said the smart meter itself was not working;
  • 9% said they had recieved inaccurate bills;
  • 6% had installation issues;
  • 5% said their smart meter is hard to access.
  • We also heard from a number of people on Economy 7 tariffs for electricity who had problems with their in-home display. These included it not differentiating between day and night electricity usage, or showing their tariff rates.

    One told us: "The IHD is not compatible with my Economy 7 tariff. It doesn't show electricity usage, only gas."

    Economy 7 is a tariff that gives cheaper electricity for seven hours overnight. It was often paired with electric heating systems and is not offered by all suppliers.


    Why has my smart meter stopped sending meter readings?

    If your smart meter loses its connection with your energy supplier, it won’t be able to submit your meter readings for you.

    One customer told us: "The smart meter does not connect to the network. I still have to read it and submit readings myself."

    This can happen if there is a temporary connectivity issue with your supplier, or if you changed energy firm (either you switched or you were transferred when your supplier stopped trading) and the new one can’t read your smart meter.

    This problem is more common among smart meters fitted early on in the rollout (called first-generation or SMETS1 meters). Most of these should have now been upgraded to solve the problem.

    However we heard from a few people still waiting for their meters to become smart again.

    One told us: "The smart meter was no longer smart after changing suppliers. I have asked for a replacement but was placed on a waiting list 12 months ago."

    How to get help with a smart meter problem

    customer on phone to energy company

    The first place to turn if your smart meter is playing up is your energy firm.

    Some energy companies have online advice and troubleshooting guides for smart meters and in-home displays. If this doesn’t solve it, you’ll need to contact your supplier and ask them to look into it.

    If you’re waiting for your smart meter to be updated, ask your energy company when this is likely to be. If your smart meter cannot be updated, it may need to be replaced with a newer model.

    However, of those in our survey who asked their energy supplier for help when they had a problem with their smart meter, a third said they were dissatisfied with the response they got.

    One was frustrated with an untimely response, telling us: "From installation the gas meter did not connect, therefore [it’s] not smart. It has taken over a year to get an appointment to sort it out."

    How to read your smart meter yourself

    It's always worrth keeping an eye on your energy statements just in case there are any issues that need to be resolved. 

    If you notice that your smart meter is no longer sending automatic readings, get in touch with your energy provider to let them know. In the meantime, it's important to make sure you do send manual readings so that your bills are accurate to your energy use. You should be able to do this in the usual way - over the phone, on your online account or using your energy provider's app.

    Some smart meters' in-home displays show your meter readings, so you might be able to use yours to find up to date figures to send to your provider. You usually need to scroll through different screens to find them.

    However, the in-home display isn't the meter itself - if you've got any problems with your display, you can also get your meter readings straight from your smart gas or electricity meters. 

    Most have buttons to illuminate the digital display so you can read them.

    Exactly how to find them differs between makes of meter. Some are more obvious than others. If you are worried about whether the numbers on the meter display are the right ones to submit, check the instructions for your smart meter model or your energy supplier’s website online. Failing that, ask your supplier to talk you through how to get your meter readings manually.

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