Loading your dishwasher: 8 dos and don’ts

If your dishes aren’t coming out spotlessly clean, it may be because you’re not loading your dishwasher properly. 

Bunging everything in without a second thought could lead to grimy plates and utensils. Proper loading doesn’t take too much effort but can make all the difference.

These eight simple dos and don’ts will help you to load your dishwasher correctly every time.

1. Don’t rinse your plates before loadingCouple loading a dishwasher

This is a hotly contested issue, but most dishwasher programs pre-rinse your dishes, so you don’t need to use extra water running them under the tap.

2. Do scrape your plates

Although you don’t need to rinse dishes, it’s worth scraping larger food particles into the bin, preventing them from getting into the filter or redistributing onto other items.

3. Don’t overload the dishwasher

If you overload your dishwasher, the water and detergent can’t get around the machine as effectively. Also, everything should face the centre, as this is where the jets are directed.

4. Do use the adjustable features

Modern dishwasher features include foldable prongs, adjustable upper racks, removable cutlery drawer sections, moveable cutlery baskets, and supports for pans and wine glasses. Using all of them properly will help to make loading the machine easier.  

5. Don’t load sharp objects facing upundefined

Sharp items should point downwards in the cutlery basket to reduce the risk of accidentally grabbing the blade or cutting yourself. That said, think twice about putting chef’s knives in at all, as dishwashers can blunt them over time. Better to wash them by hand instead.

6. Do alternate cutlery up and down

Deciding whether cutlery should face up or down has probably been debated since the first dishwasher was invented. It’s better to alternate to prevent items ‘nesting’, otherwise water can’t get in between to clean them. Mixing small and large plates will also allow for better cleaning. Place bowls face down to stop water collecting.

7. Don’t load harder-to-clean items on the upper rack

Some items – such as baking trays, pots and pans – benefit from the higher water pressure and temperature of the lower rack. Load larger items at the back and sides of the machine to stop them blocking dishes.

8. Do put more delicate items on the top rack

Place drinking vessels – such as cups, mugs and glasses – on the top rack. The same goes for plastic items and containers, as well as large utensils. Some dishwashers come with a tray on top for cutlery, which takes more effort to load. But it’s worth taking the time to get it right.


source https://www.which.co.uk/news/article/loading-your-dishwasher-8-dos-and-donts-a8jdm5t29qmq
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