The Highway Code: are you aware of the latest updates?

Several amendments to The Highway Code have come into effect in recent years, including a hierarchy of road users designed to create 'clearer and stronger priorities' for pedestrians, and updated rules for overtaking.

The Department for Transport claims that the modifications, which are largely categorised under three rules, aim to improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders. The majority of these came into effect in January 2022.

Below, we run through the latest changes laid out in the updated The Highway Code that you might not be aware of.

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At a glance: How has The Highway Code changed?

  • Drivers of large passenger vehicles and HGVs now have 'the greatest responsibility to reduce the danger posed to other road users'
  • Drivers at a junction should give way to pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross a road that they're turning into
  • Drivers should give way to pedestrians waiting to cross a zebra crossing, and pedestrians and cyclists waiting to cross a parallel crossing
  • Cyclists should give way to pedestrians that are using shared-use cycle tracks
  • Cars should give at least 1.5 metres of room when passing bicycles
  • Drivers should not cut across cyclists going ahead when turning into or out of a junction or changing direction or lane
  • New 'Dutch Reach' technique tells road users how to open the door of their vehicle while looking over their shoulder
  • Three new rules added to The Highway Code

    Rule H1: hierarchy of road users

    Pedestrians (children, older adults and disabled people in particular) are identified as 'the most likely to be injured in the event of a collision'.

    Here's a look at what the hierarchy of road users looks like:

  • Pedestrians
  • Cyclists
  • Horse riders
  • Motorcyclists
  • Cars/taxis
  • Vans/minibuses
  • Large passenger vehicles/heavy goods vehicles
  • As you can see, cyclists and horse riders will also have a responsibility to reduce danger to pedestrians. Even so, the updated The Highway Code emphasises that pedestrians themselves still need to consider the safety of other road users.

    The Department for Transport says this system will pave the way for a 'more mutually respectful and considerate culture of safe and effective road use'.


    Rule H2: clearer and stronger priorities for pedestrians

    This rule is aimed at drivers, motorists, horse riders and cyclists. The Highway Code now states clearly that, at a junction, you should give way to pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross a road that you're turning into. Previously, vehicles had priority at a junction.

    Drivers should also give way to pedestrians waiting to cross a zebra crossing, and pedestrians and cyclists waiting to cross a parallel crossing (a combined pedestrian and cycle crossing).

    Meanwhile, cyclists should give way to pedestrians on shared-use cycle tracks, and are reminded that only pedestrians (including those using wheelchairs and mobility scooters) can use the pavement.

    People crossing a zebra crossing

    Rule H3: drivers to give priority to cyclists in certain situations

    The updated The Highway Code urges drivers and motorcyclists not to cut across cyclists when turning into or out of a junction or changing direction or lane. This rule applies whether the cyclist ahead is using a cycle lane, a cycle track or simply riding on the road ahead.

    Drivers are meant to stop and wait for a safe gap when cyclists are:

  • Approaching, passing or moving away from a junction
  • Moving past or waiting alongside still or slow-moving traffic
  • Travelling on a roundabout
  • Cyclists on the road

    What else is changing?

    Rules H1, H2 and H3 aside, there are some other changes to The Highway Code in 2022, including EV owners being reminded that the charging cables for their cars can present a trip hazard for pedestrians.

    Overtaking when driving or cycling


    According to the latest guidance, you may cross a double-white line if necessary (provided the road is clear) to overtake someone cycling or riding a horse if they are travelling at 10 mph or less (Rule 129).

    There is also updated guidance on safe passing distances and speeds for people driving a motored vehicle when overtaking vulnerable road users, including:

  • leaving at least 1.5 metres (5 feet) when overtaking people cycling at speeds of up to 30mph, and giving them more space when overtaking at higher speeds
  • passing people riding horses or driving horse-drawn vehicles at speeds under 10 mph and allowing at least 2 metres (6.5 feet) of space
  • allowing at least 2 metres (6.5 feet) of space and keeping to a low speed when passing people walking in the road (for example, where there’s no pavement)
  • If it's unsafe or not possible to meet the above clearances, you should wait behind the cyclist or horse.

    For cyclists passing slower-moving or stationary traffic, the updated code confirms that they can do so on the left or right-hand side. When doing so, cyclists should proceed with caution as people driving may not be able to see them. This is particularly important on approaches to junctions, and when deciding whether it is safe to pass lorries or other large vehicles.

    The Dutch Reach

    The 'Waiting and parking' section of The Highway Code has also been updated to describe the 'Dutch Reach'.

    This suggests you should open your door using your hand on the opposite side to the door you're opening. So, you would use your left hand to open a door on your right side - this naturally makes you turn your head to look over your shoulder.

    Our video shows the Dutch Reach in action:


    Are these rules legally enforceable?

    These updates are aimed to keep road users as safe as possible, but not everything in The Highway Code is legally enforceable.

    While some of the rules are legal requirements (and you're committing a criminal offence if you disobey them), many simply serve as guidance.

    If you scroll through The Highway Code, you'll see some rules include 'must' or 'must not' - these rules are supported by existing laws. For example:


    Those that include 'should' or 'should not' are only guidance and not supported by existing laws, but may be used in evidence to establish liability. For example:


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