Wales introduces 20mph default speed limit

Wales has lowered the speed limit in built-up areas from 30mph to 20mph nationwide.

The new lower limit, which came into effect on Sunday 17 September, has been brought in to improve road safety and reduce reliance on cars for shorter journeys, according to Welsh ministers.

It applies to nearly all previously 30mph limit roads, with a few exceptions.

The move has been backed by road safety charities and environmental groups.

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Why is the 20mph limit being brought in?

The aim is to reduce the number of road traffic collisions on Welsh roads, and particularly the number of road users seriously injured as a result. The Welsh government claims that the lower limit could lead to 40% fewer collisions and up to 10 lives saved each year.

Further benefits include reducing noise pollution and encouraging more people to walk and cycle.

The blanket change across Wales will cost £32 million to implement, but it's estimated that it would save up to £92 million in the first year alone due to reduced impact on the NHS and emergency services.

2mph road marking

Which roads are affected?

The new 20mph limit applies to ‘restricted’ roads, defined by having street lighting placed not more than 200 yards apart. Typically, this applies to residential streets or those with high footfall.

Some roads, where a local authority has deemed a road to not be suitable for the new speed limit, will remain at 30mph, but these are an exception.

Speed limit signs have been updated and drivers are urged to pay attention to them rather than speed limit warnings on sat navs or in-car displays, which may be out of date until the software is updated to reflect the new changes.

How will the 20mph speed limit be enforced?

The usual speed limit penalties apply, so if you’re caught doing over 20mph you could be subject a fine of £100 and three penalty points on your licence.

However, police have been given a level of discretion, and will be aiming to educate drivers about the new limit and why it has been introduced, at least for the first few months.

That said, any particularly egregious speeding – or being caught by a roadside speed camera – will still result in a ticket.

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