BBC SD switch off: Do I need to worry?

Television viewers are being urged to check their set-top boxes as the BBC prepares to phase out its standard-definition (SD) satellite broadcasts in favour of high-definition (HD) versions. 

This transition, slated to begin in early 2024, may result in some viewers losing access to BBC channels. 

Read on to find out if you are affected and the steps you can take.

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What is the BBC doing?

The BBC plans to convert all its satellite channels to high definition (HD). 

This process began earlier in 2023 when regional BBC One SD channels were replaced by a UK-wide version of BBC One.

Now the corporation plans to discontinue all standard definition (SD) broadcasts on satellite platforms, meaning anyone with an SD-only set-top box will lose access to all BBC channels unless they upgrade.

The switch-off date, originally set for March 2024, has been brought forward to January 8, 2024.

Who will be affected?

Anyone with an SD-only set-top box will lose access to all BBC channels unless they upgrade to an HD version.

The BBC says it does not know the precise number of people affected but believes it to be "very small". 

It is using on-screen messages to inform viewers of the change.

The transition only affects satellite SD-only boxes, typically older devices from providers like Sky or Freesat.

This change does not impact Freeview households, whether SD or HD.

How can I check if I’m affected?

The BBC is ramping up efforts to inform viewers about these upcoming changes. You may notice warnings appearing while watching BBC channels. 

Sky is taking a similar approach. They've sent out various communications to let their affected SD box customers know about the switch-off. This includes postal mail, emails, texts and on-screen Sky pop-up messages.

For Freesat customers, a simple check is available. Tune in to channel 799, and a message will indicate whether an upgrade is necessary.

Sky customers have a similar method. Select channel 101, and here's the key: if you see 'BBC One HD', these changes won't affect you. However, if you spot 'BBC One' in SD, it's time to consider an upgrade for your Sky box.

Am I affected if I have an SD TV, but use an HD set-top box?

No, this change only impacts individuals using an SD-only satellite set-top box. If you have an HD set-top box connected to an SD TV, you will still be able to watch your favourite HD shows. 

However, while the set-top box can deliver high-definition content, your SD TV's lower resolution will limit the picture quality. The content will be displayed in standard definition (SD) on your SD TV, so you won't experience the full benefits of high-definition broadcasting.

What if I need to upgrade my set-top box?


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