
Cyberpunk 2077 Bugs Will Be Hard to Spot; Multiplayer May Be Discussed in the First Quarter of 2021

Cyberpunk 2077

Being a massive open-world role-playing game, Cyberpunk 2077 will have its fair share of bugs, but CD Projekt promised they will not impact the experience in any significant way.

Speaking during the CD Projekt Q3 earning's call, as transcripted by Seeking Alpha, President Adam Kiciński acknowledged that the preview version of the game comes with bugs, confirming that the development team is aware of them. The final game's bugs, however, will be on "a level that will be as low as to let players not see them."

So, in terms of bugs, we are all aware of them. Of course, such a big gang can't be just bug free. That's the kind of obvious, but we believe that the level will be as low as to let gamers not see them. And fortunately, some bugs extended previous were caused by some general -- I would say general features and many of them are already fixed. So, what gamers will get will be different from what -- and what we viewers will get in this final review is it's better than what previewers, got.

The Cyberpunk 2077 multiplayer, which is scheduled for release after the main game launches in the coming days, has also been discussed briefly. While saying that the project cannot be discussed at the time, Adam Kiciński confirmed that an update on it may be coming in the first quarter of 2021.

So, first, we don't call it modes. It's a separate dedicated production, a big production. And we plan -- we think about it as a standalone product. Obviously, it's not entirely standalone as it comes from the universe of Cyberpunk and is very much related to the concept of single player Cyberpunk we -- I came up with. But from our perspective, it's -- is another independent production and independent team of people works on it. And there's -- I said already we are not focusing right now on talking too much about other future products, products that are to be released after Cyberpunk. So please be with us in the first quarter of next year when we plan to share some strategy update. And I believe Cyberpunk multiplayer will be possible.

During the earnings call, CD Projekt President Adam Kicińsk also discussed the Cyberpunk 2077 performance on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, saying that it is surprisingly good, given the game's huge world.

Cyberpunk 2077 launches on December 10th on PC and consoles.

The post Cyberpunk 2077 Bugs Will Be Hard to Spot; Multiplayer May Be Discussed in the First Quarter of 2021 by Francesco De Meo appeared first on Wccftech.

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