As the vaccine rollout continues across the UK, the reality of getting a jab draws closer for more people.
Vaccines have now been given to millions across the UK, providing some level of hope for respite from the pandemic. But you might still be wondering how it will all work in practice and what will happen when you’re invited for a jab.
Here, we break down the process. From how you’ll be contacted (including avoiding scams), to the process of getting the jab, common concerns about the vaccination and next steps – we’ve got your key questions covered.
COVID-19 vaccine latest: find out more about the vaccine rollout across the UK
How will I be contacted to get a vaccine?

The NHS will contact you when it’s your turn to get a vaccine.
This could be in a variety of ways, such as letter, text or email, depending on your local area.
You’ll be contacted via letter, text or email.
- If you’re invited to have your vaccination at a larger vaccination centre or at a pharmacy, you’ll get a letter.
- If you’re invited to have your vaccination at hospital or at a GP surgery, you’ll usually get a text or email – but you may sometimes get a letter.
It’s possible you’ll get both, depending on how joined up services are.
Letters have been sent out to households with information about how the vaccine rollout will work.
Vaccine appointment invitations will be sent via letter, phone call, email or text from the health board.
Individual local health boards are arranging appointments for people and you’ll be contacted via letter.
Northern Ireland
GPs, hospitals and some employers are contacting people eligible for the jab via letter or email.
There is also a telephone number you can call and an online portal where you can book an appointment if you are eligible – you may still be eligible to book online without having been contacted, find out more here.
Warning: watch out for vaccine scams

There have been a few fraudulent vaccine invitations circling around, which are used by scammers to get your personal details or money.
These can look highly convincing (as per the example of a fake vaccine booking website above), so it’s worth being vigilant.
How to check if your vaccine invitation is real
It can be confusing, as there is no one way the NHS will contact you. So when you receive an invitation for a vaccine, scrutinise it carefully. Check for spelling errors and invitations coming from non-NHS addresses.
You might get an email or text sending you to a booking website that looks convincing (like the image example above).
The key thing to remember is that the NHS will never ask for payment to book a vaccine, and will not ask for personal details such as your passport number or bank details.
For more on how you’ll be contacted, see our vaccination comms discussion piece.
COVID-19 vaccine scams – more on what they are and how to spot one
Which vaccine will I get?

The UK is currently administering the Pfizer vaccine and the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, the first two vaccines to be approved for use here. Another one, Moderna, has been approved and will be rolled out in the Spring.
There are multiple other vaccines still going through trials and regulatory approval that will be used in the UK if they are approved, including:
- Novavax vaccine (seeking approval from the MHRA)
- Johnson & Johnson vaccine (in phase three trials – the final stage of testing before roll out)
- Valneva vaccine (also in phase three trials)
You may not know in advance which vaccine you’re getting, but all vaccines being offered are shown to work well at preventing you from getting sick from coronavirus.
The vaccine you get will have been approved by the MHRA and the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) for your age and risk group.
Currently, no vaccine has been recommended over another for a particular age group in the UK.
Regulators in some European countries like France, Belgium and Germany have placed an upper age limit of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine while more data is gathered, citing the lack of data from over 65s in the phase 3 trials (6% of participants were aged 65 and over).
Oxford’s vaccine trial chief Andrew Pollard said that the vaccine is showing a strong immune responses in older adults, even though there isn’t as much data as for younger adults, and that people in the UK should be assured that it has passed MHRA checks and is safe for use.
Where will I get my vaccine?
Across the UK, vaccines are being given in mass vaccination centres (which can include a variety of public buildings that have been repurposed, such as entertainment and sports venues – and even cathedrals) as well as GP surgeries, hospitals and some pharmacies.
You’ll be told where yours is when you receive an invitation.
What will happen at my vaccine appointment?

The NHS says appointments should take about 30 – 45 minutes. You should expect some questions about your medical history, whether it’s possible you are pregnant, and whether you’ve had any allergic reactions in the past.
- You will need to bring your face covering or mask, and a booking reference number if your appointment is at a vaccination centre.
- Remember to wear your mask whenever you’re inside, and as well if you’re outside and in close proximity to other people.
You may be asked to wait 15 minutes after being given the injection, to monitor for any adverse reactions (these are highly unlikely and this is standard practice with vaccinations). If a reaction does occur, you can be treated immediately.
Vaccination locations have strict infection prevention measures in place, including regular cleaning and social distancing in waiting areas.
There have been some reports of people having to queue for vaccinations. This should not happen and is reportedly being managed with staggered appointment times. For this reason, it’s important to turn up on time and not late or too early for your appointment.
If you’re housebound or in a care home, the vaccine should come to you.
You should not attend a vaccine appointment if you are self-isolating, waiting for a COVID-19 test or unsure if you are fit and well. In this case, your appointment will be rescheduled.
Find out what the vaccine means for care home residents and their families.
What happens after my vaccine?

You will be given some information leaflets to take home with advice on what to expect.
Like with any vaccine, you may experience some mild side effects after having your COVID-19. These are normal and should disappear within a couple of days.
The NHS says side effects can include:
- having a painful, heavy feeling and tenderness in the arm where you had your injection. This tends to be worst around 1 to 2 days after the vaccine
- feeling tired
- headache
- general aches, or mild flu-like symptoms
A less common one is swelling of the glands, which can also be managed at home in most cases.
The government warns that ‘although feeling feverish is not uncommon for 2 to 3 days, a high temperature is unusual and may indicate you have COVID-19 or another infection,’ (unrelated to having the vaccine). So if your symptoms are getting worse or don’t go away, order a coronavirus test or call NHS 111.
Getting a second dose
The current COVID-19 vaccines available in the UK require two doses. One dose is thought to provide a good level of protection, but you need a second dose for the best protection.
Your second dose will be given three to 12 weeks after the first, and you’ll be given an appointment date for this as well.
Again, you should not attend a vaccine appointment if you are self-isolating, waiting for a COVID-19 test.
If you’re unwell for your second appointment, the advice is that it’s better to wait until you have recovered to have your vaccine, but you should try to have it as soon as possible.
Can you still spread COVID-19 after being vaccinated?

This is a big question and one that is still being investigated. It’s likely that the risk of transmission is much lower once you’ve been vaccinated, but for now we are working under the assumption that vaccinated people may still be able to catch and spread the virus without any symptoms.
It’s important not to get lax with precautions – masks, hand hygiene, social distancing – after you’ve had your jab or jabs. Not least because it takes time to build immunity after having the vaccination and it’s not 100% foolproof.
The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine has shown some promise on this front, though – an as-yet unpublished study reported that it could reduce transmission of the disease by up 67%.
Do you need a vaccine if you’ve already had COVID-19?
Yes. You may have some level of immunity if you’ve had the disease, but it’s not known how strong this is or how long it lasts. We now know that it’s possible to get COVID-19 for a second time, so it’s still vital to get vaccinated.
Can anyone not have the COVID-19 vaccine?

People with allergies to any of the vaccine ingredients should not be given the vaccine that contains those ingredients. Speak to your doctor about this when it is your turn to be vaccinated.
There aren’t currently plans for children under 18 to get the vaccination. This is because the vaccines haven’t been tested on children and also because the risk of complications for children from the disease is very low.
Pregnant women are advised against getting the vaccine unless they are at high risk of complications from coronavirus, in which case the benefit outweighs the risk.
Pregnancy and the COVID-19 vaccine – what you need to know
Are there any animal products in COVID-19 vaccines?
No – none of the vaccines contain any animal products.
Imams across the UK have confirmed that all of the vaccines are halal and the British Islamic Medical Association and Muslim Council of Britain recommends that Muslims have the vaccine.
Jewish doctors in the UK have confirmed that the vaccines are kosher.
The vaccine has also been endorsed by the Hindu Council UK.
How can such a quickly produced vaccine be safe?

This is perhaps the most common concern from people about the COVID-19 vaccines. You may have heard that it can normally take up to 10 years to produce a vaccine, so how can this one be okay if it’s been done in less than a year?
Firstly, those 10 years it takes aren’t all spent on safety monitoring. The delay is usually more down to logistics and funding issues. The COVID-19 vaccines haven’t had those issues. Some key ways in which the COVID-19 vaccines have been developed more quickly and just as safely are:
- There were already preparations in place. Vaccination development for coronaviruses has been going on long before the pandemic, so scientists already have a basis of years of work from which to develop the vaccine for COVID-19.
- Overlapping trial stages. The usual phases for vaccine development have been carried out in tandem to speed up the process. None of these vital safety stages have been skipped or done in half-measures.
- Funding. Due to the urgent global need for a vaccine to end the pandemic, there has been a lot of money available for COVID-19 vaccine development, and funding for multiple vaccines at a time, which wouldn’t be the case in a non-emergency situation.
- Manufacturing capability. Manufacturing on vaccines has been allowed to happen before approval, so that when they are approved, they’re ready to go instantly.
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