How to choose the best CPA offers to achieve the highest profits in the affiliate field in 2022

CPA offers to achieve the highest profits

How do you find the best CPA offer to promote? Do you choose higher EPC? Or do you choose the offer that pays more in order to achieve the highest return for the traffic you bring to the offer page?

 Or you may choose the lowest cost offer for the visitor in order to increase the percentage of conversions and thus increase the profits. Or maybe you should think about niches first, games or apps niches are much better than health and beauty niches, don't you think?!

Or perhaps the secret is in the network of offers itself (the Affiliate network). Some believe that there are certain networks that make the best profits because they have the best offers. Are you one of those who think that?!

If all these questions revolve in your head, then you are right, the process of choosing the best CPA offers to promote is not easy at all and requires a lot of work so that you do not find yourself losing time and money in vain.

 1- Select the traffic source

 Mostly when we talk about affiliate marketing in general, the first step is to choose the niche first before anything else, but this is not the best method, especially in the field of CPA.

 The field of CPA has a special nature, and the types of offers and requirements placed by the companies that hold these offers are different, which we will talk about in more detail later. Therefore, the traffic is everything, so this is the first step.

 Any marketer always wants to make the most of the resources in his hands. If I had a traffic source that would give me 1000 clicks on my links, I would think a thousand times about the traffic itself and what he wants and what are the best offers for him so that I can get the most out of this. Traffic.

 Therefore, the best way is to determine the source of the traffic that you will rely on first before you think about anything else, what is your plan to promote the different offers.

 Will you rely on free traffic through social media such as Facebook or YouTube, or will you rely on paid traffic from its various sources, and because each traffic source has certain characteristics, let me remind you first of the most common conditions for CPA offers.

The most important conditions for CPA offers

 All companies that rely on commission marketing to promote their products and services set certain conditions for marketers. Each company wants to get the ideal customer suitable for these offers.

There are many different offers on various CPA networks, including the collection of interested clients (leads) by obtaining their phone numbers and emails, such as this offer for an Arab company in Jordan.

And other offers for downloading a specific application or program, or trying a specific product before purchasing or purchasing a specific service.

How to access the presentation, by phone or regular computer.

Social media, some companies allow this traffic and others do not.

The country of the offer, like the previous offer, is only for the country of Jordan.

Determining a specific age of clientsDetermining the gender of clients, whether men or women.

There are other conditions, but the previous list represents the most famous conditions, so you must first know the nature of your traffic in order to use it in the right way.

 Free traffic

 Many beginners initially rely on free traffic, this is not a defect, but you should gather as much information as possible about this traffic and understand the nature of its platform.

Free traffic is not limited because you cannot control it, for example, YouTube videos can be watched by anyone from any country, and Facebook groups can contain people of different ages and tendencies.

That is why if you rely on this type of traffic, you must analyze it well, gather as much information about it using the analytics of Facebook, YouTube, or any other platform you rely on, as most of these platforms provide you with a lot of free tools.

 In general, if you are interested in traffic and want to master it, you should definitely follow us on our Facebook page and YouTube channel, where we share very advanced strategies in this field!

Paid Traffic

 This traffic is the best for CPA offers, with the testimony of the best marketers in this field, because it is diverse and has many sources such as advertisements on social media platforms or relying on Pop Up or Push notification platforms and many other sources.

The paid traffic can be completely controlled by you. You can specify the country, age, gender, type of device used and many other factors that help you meet the conditions for different CPA offers.

 Not only that, but some advanced platforms such as Facebook ads and YouTube enable you to identify interests as well, which helps you to bring highly targeted traffic and thus increase conversion rates.

 But everything has its price, and the more specific the traffic, the higher its cost, so you have to test yourself to determine the best source for you and your budget, and soon, God willing, we will publish several articles on the most important paid traffic sources.

2- Select your traffic interests

 In the previous step, we identified the source of the traffic and some information about it, now it's time to know the interests of this traffic in more detail so that we can promote the appropriate offers for it.

 Whatever traffic you rely on, whether free or paid, each of these countless types has its own goals and nature, and if you understand this well, you can promote many and many offers for the same source.

 For example, if you rely on a Facebook group that brings together some teenagers, they are often interested in gaming, and if you use an Instagram account, then often health and beauty products and offers will be more appropriate.

 But if you rely on paid traffic via Push notification, for example, this traffic is often relatively old, so health and health insurance offers will be more popular.

 When you understand the nature of your traffic, the interests and goals that he wants to achieve, you will be able to select the appropriate offers, which you can promote constantly and thus guarantee permanent profits.

 And not only that, when you identify the interests of your audience, you can build unique landing pages and lead magnets that enable you to collect this traffic data, which you can use to provide content or promote various offers in the future.

 3- Determine the niche that the CPA offers will promote

 At this stage, you have already collected a lot of information about your traffic, and you know what its nature and interests are, and therefore the type of offers suitable for it.

But that is not all. Just as you collect information about traffic, you also have to take care of the offers themselves. What offers achieve the best results? Are game offers more suitable for you than offers for slimming, health and beauty?

Also, do not forget that you will not rely on one traffic source only. It is true that I prefer to try a specific traffic source, study it and test it well, and try to exploit it in the best possible way, but I do not stop there.

That is why when you select a specific niche after trying and testing, you can find a lot of exceptional offers and programs, as many offers and affiliate programs do not exist on different and well-known platforms.

That is why when you achieve positive results for several offers in a certain niche, you can search more precisely in this niche, and thus you can find many special affiliate offers that solve your audience’s problems and achieve their goals and thus generate more profits for you.

There are many niches that you can promote, but I prefer the games and applications niches because they are easier to promote and have a passionate and interested audience, and also the health and beauty niche has a good audience and likes to spend money.

4- Decide what type of content you will provide

 Whatever niche you choose or the type of traffic you will rely on, whether it is paid or free, you have to think about the content template that you will provide.

 For example, the Jordanian show that I mentioned earlier, you will find that it is presented before a video of a movie. The visitor will be able to watch the movie upon completing the registration for the show. This is the most famous method in the world of CPA.

 You have to think carefully about this point, of course it will be easier if you follow the steps in this guide in order, as long as you know the type of traffic and its interests, problems and goals in the niche that you have chosen, you can easily determine the type of your content.

 The content that you will provide can be exclusive content such as a specific guide, course, discount coupon or free gift that the visitor gets when completing the offer.

 Or it can be written content in the form of an article, such as application reviews, for example, programs or games, and you put the links for the show in it.

The content depends on the niche and the traffic. For example, do not expect, for example, if your traffic is young people interested in games to read an article on your site, but it is better to rely on the video.

 Thinking about the type of content before choosing the offers that you will promote will open up many horizons and methods through which you will promote your offers. Perhaps you will find that the best way is to create a YouTube channel and run advertising campaigns so that you can take advantage of the free and paid traffic at the same time.

 Or maybe you find that the best way is to provide information and exclusives on Facebook groups or even to create your own group in which you gather your audience, and maybe you collect your leads using a messenger bot or any other way.

 This is how you make the most of your traffic by providing content that helps convert this traffic to customers who implement what you want from them, and thus you get profits.

5- Find offers that suit your traffic

Now that you understand the nature of your traffic and have also been able to learn some information about the niche itself that may be useful to you in the future, it is time to find out some ways to look for those offers.

 There are free and paid forums, but the best ones that I have personally relied on are the warrior forum and afflift. You can search for yourself and you will be surprised by the amount of information you will find on these and other forums.

 Of course, you are currently a member of various affiliate networks, especially for CPA offers such as PeerFly or CPA build and other different networks, but this is not the best way to search for offers.

 Note: If you do not know much about the affiliate network, the CPA Build network is the best for beginners due to the ease of registration in it, acceptance, and the multiplicity of different types of offers that you can promote. You will also find many explanations and also a special forum through which you can communicate with Lots of marketers like you in this field to share experiences.

 It is also a reliable network and has been working in this field for several years, so it ensures that you get your profits in a smooth and regular manner.

 As for Peerfly, it is the strongest and best network ever because it contains many CPA offers in various niches, and it also provides you with many possibilities due to being one of the oldest companies in this field.

 However, this network is not for beginners, since it asks those wishing to register a lot of data, especially about traffic sources and the method of promotion, so the acceptance rate is very low for inexperienced people. I do not recommend it as long as you are still at the beginning of your marketing career.

 These networks provide you with a lot of offers and a lot of different monetization methods that enable you to make money, and they are good especially in your beginnings in this field, but there are other methods that you must rely on as well because they will open your eyes to a lot of opportunities and ideas in any niche.

 Here is a list of the best methods:

 Using offers aggregation sites such as offervault and odigger These sites collect thousands of offers from different companies and networks in one place in almost any niche, and often you will find offers and affiliate networks that you did not know before, and this will help you to exploit your traffic in more than one way and thus Your profits increase

Use the Google search engine, this method may seem very simple, but by using advanced search engines, you can find a lot of offers, modern affiliate programs and also offers for many networks that do not rely on well-known affiliate marketing platforms.

Use the affiliate marketing forums, there are many forums in which many marketers gather around the world, there are Arab forums and also foreign forums, which I personally prefer. I benefited a lot from these forums and got acquainted with great traffic sources and also a lot of offers.

6- Evaluate the CPA offers to choose the best

This is the traditional step in choosing the CPA offers that are common among marketers, especially beginners, because it is about browsing the different offers in affiliate networks to choose the right one.

As I explained at the beginning of the article, never start with this step because it will affect your marketing campaign significantly. All that is required of you is to refute all the offers that you find to choose the right ones for your traffic as I explained previously.

See, for example, this list of offers on the CPABuild network for some mobile app download offers.

CPA Build Network is characterized by offering many types of offers, whether it is Content Locker or Links, and whatever the type of offer, there are certain things that you have to look at as shown in the image.

Country and type of display

 As shown in the picture, each show is dedicated to a specific country, and as long as you are aware of the type of traffic that you will rely on, you can choose the countries that suit this traffic. Regarding the type of offer, it depends on the type of content that you will provide, which we mentioned earlier.

Type of CTA (Call To Action .)

All previous offers are a download (Install) for some applications on different devices, the offer may require iPhones, tablets or Android devices, and the presentation may require desktop devices.

There are other offers that require registering a phone number or email, or perhaps registering a name and address, or purchasing a specific product. Or try a certain product for free for a certain period. All of these are called Call To Action, or CTAs for short.

Try to choose the easiest thing for you and the quality of traffic that you will rely on, for example, do you think that young people who are interested in gaming niches have the money to buy a particular product?!


There are two schools when it comes to choosing offers based on how much you earn from them. There are those who prefer to choose offers that pay you more, and there are those who prefer to choose offers that pay less in order to get a higher conversion rate.

To be honest with you, I don't care about this, all I can think of is choosing the shows that suit my traffic and will help him achieve his goals or solve his problems. Of course, my choice of offers depends on the rest of the factors that I explained to you earlier.

You may promote your profit offer of $0.1 but the conversion rate is very high, or you may promote your offer of your profit of $4.5 and its conversion rate is only 0.5%, thus wasting a lot of time and effort. It all depends on the type and volume of traffic you rely on.

Profit Rate EPC

EPC stands for Earnings Per Click and is the average amount that each marketer earns per click on the offer link.

The affiliate network calculates all the traffic that an offer gets, calculates the conversion rate, and thus can estimate the value of the profit for each click by dividing the profits by the total number of traffic.

For example, suppose that a specific offer profit from it is $1, and the marketers brought 100 visits to the offer link, and the conversion rate was 10%, so the value of the profit is 10 dollars, so the value of the EPC is 0.1 dollars, meaning that each click on the offer link brings 0.1 dollars to the marketer .

Of course these numbers are constantly updated over time and the data of the various marketers promoting the offer.

As you can see, the higher this number, the higher the conversion rate for this offer, and thus the greater your chances of winning from this offer if you promote it.

But you have to keep in mind that this number is relative and is not a strong evidence of the profitability of the offer, as one marketer may succeed and dozens fail to achieve profits, and with this the offer gets a high EPC, but it is a good indicator as I mentioned.

It all depends on the percentage of your conversions, according to the traffic that you depend on.

Offer landing page

 Any affiliate network enables you to see the offer page that you will promote, regardless of the type of offer, the landing page is very important, and the offer page for the Jordanian network we mentioned earlier is an example of that.

 All you have to do is click on the offer link and then click on Preview to be able to review the landing page. Evaluate with your own eyes the design and colors of the CPA show and ask yourself if the place of traffic that you will bring will participate in the show.

Is the offer good enough and useful, as some of the offers pages are very bad and do not help the visitor to make the appropriate decision, and if you promote such offers, you will waste your time, effort and money and will not make any profits.

7- Do the experiment yourself

The theories, methods and strategies are all important and useful, but nothing is more important than numbers and practical experiences. No matter how carefully you choose and choose the best types of traffic and offers, you create interesting and attractive content, all of this does not matter against numbers and percentage of conversions.

Ultimately, our goal is to make money, so you should test your traffic, presentation, content and A/B Testing to get the best possible result.

Of course, you cannot test everything, especially when you are at the beginning of your journey to profit from commission marketing, but you have to collect the largest amount of results and information and analyze it to make the appropriate decisions.

For example, you can test more than one traffic source to find the best conversion rate, or test more than one offer for the same type of traffic to choose the best offer for you before you spend money or start promoting heavily.

You can also change the quality of the content you provide, perhaps if you change the type of video you are promoting or the gift you will give your audience to make them register in the show, this leads to a higher conversion rate.

Test and try for yourself, and with time you will find that you know what offers are suitable for each specific type of traffic, the best landing pages at a glance, and also the quality of content that attracts the audience and increases conversions.

The most important tools that will help you to test is Google Analytics, this free tool from Google, which every marketer must rely on because it is very powerful, and you can also rely on some of the tools provided to you by the affiliate network that you use, which we mentioned some of them, most of these platforms offer many tools that help marketers.

Would you like us to help you?

Of course, if you follow the previous steps, you will reach what you want, but earning money through commission marketing, especially in the field of CPA, is not easy at all and requires perseverance and effort.

But what if we, the marketer’s team, helped you in all these steps, what if we provided you with the best niches in this field that fit the various offers on different CPA platforms.

What if we told you about a way that it doesn't matter what show you're going to promote, but that in most cases you can use this strategy to promote different offers at the same time, and then it doesn't matter what type of device or country or all of these things.

What if we made you provide irresistible content, so that you can easily convert the traffic you depend on, of any kind, into customers and thus achieve your goals with ease without having to search for yourself and follow the previous steps.

We did many tests to find out how many marketer followers made thousands of dollars once they followed this strategy.

All this and more, we will offer you for free, step by step, in the CPA course . You can get this course

This course may become paid in the future, or we may stop offering it due to the high demand for do not miss this opportunity.

 In conclusion, do not forget to share this article with interested people and good luck to you!

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