Five ways to get the most out of your dehumidifier

Thousands of people bought dehumidifiers this winter. If you're one of them, you'll know they can be very effective at bringing down moisture levels in your home.

Dehumidifiers are a powerful weapon when it comes to tackling condensation, damp and mould. But it’s important to use them correctly to maximise their potential.

Here are five ways to get the best out of your dehumidifier.

Read our reviews to find a  that's proven better than the rest in our tough tests.

1. Put it in the right place


Where you place your dehumidifier can make a big difference in how effective it is. Ideally, it should be placed in a central location in the room, away from walls or furniture.

This allows the dehumidifier to circulate air evenly. Additionally, make sure the dehumidifier is not placed near any heat sources or vents, as this can affect its performance.

If you have a specific damp or mould problem then placing the dehumidifier close to the source is good practice. Otherwise, putting it somewhere central – in a hallway or on a landing perhaps, with surrounding internal doors open – is the quickest way to achieve the desired relative humidity level throughout your home.

2. Clean the filter regularly


Dehumidifiers have a filter on the front that prevents dust from getting onto the coils or desiccant wheel. This plays a crucial role in protecting the parts inside the dehumidifier so they continue to work properly and efficiently.

Meaco recommends cleaning the filter in its dehumidifiers at least every two weeks. Other brands such as Ebac suggest you inspect the filter every month or so. 

A quick, gentle vacuum with a brush attachment will typically get the job done, but you might need to wash the filter if it's very clogged up. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Read more: 

3. Keep windows closed


It's good practice to open a window to ventilate the house and reduce humidity levels after cooking or showering. 

But running a dehumidifier with the windows open will undo all its hard work. It will be facing an uphill battle trying to combat humid air coming in from outside, and you won't feel the benefits. 

Instead, keep windows and external doors closed and let the dehumidifier do the work on its own.

4. Use it to help dry laundry


A dehumidifier can significantly reduce drying time for your laundry when the weather forces you to hang it indoors.

For the quickest drying results, hang as much of your laundry as you can in one room and then close the door with the dehumidifier and radiator on inside.

Make sure the dehumidifier is far enough away from the laundry that it's not going to get dripped on, and position it so the air coming out of it is directed towards the clothes, providing a slight breeze that will further help speed the drying process.

5. Don't turn it off at the mains too quickly


If you own a desiccant dehumidifier then this is a particularly important issue to watch out for.

Desiccant models work by catching moisture in an adsorbent material set in a rotating wheel, which is then heated so that the moisture drips into the water tank.

This part of the dehumidifying process means temperatures inside a desiccant machine can reach as high as 80°C. 

When you turn your desiccant dehumidifier off at the control panel the fan continues spinning for a good amount of time after. This is to cool down and protect the internal parts.

If you turn the dehumidifier off at the wall, as opposed to on the control panel, you stop the fan spinning immediately and those heated parts inside will remain at an elevated temperature for longer. This can lead to malfunctions and a shortening of the lifespan of the dehumidifier.

So always remember to turn your dehumidifier off using its control buttons, let its fan finish its natural cycle and then feel free to turn the appliance off at the wall.


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