9 brilliant ways your tech can help you plan Christmas

If the run-up to Christmas has you frantically rushing around to complete your to-do list, don't worry – you're not alone. On the plus side, your technology can help ease the panic.

Our tech experts have rounded up several tools to keep you organised. Visit the app store for digital to-do lists that you can share to lighten the load, set reminders that will take account of traffic conditions so you leave in perfect time, and use the Which? App to create a shortlist of gift ideas.

Below, we run through several ways tech can make the festive season more manageable and help you get ahead of the game.

1. Set reminders activated by time or place

You might appreciate an alert that reminds you to buy specific goodies when you arrive at the supermarket, for example, or an alert to send out your Christmas cards ahead of time.

Reminders app on iOS

To try custom reminders for yourself, follow these steps:

On an iPhoneReminders New ReminderDetails On an Apple WatchOn Android  Remind me Alexa More RemindersIf you're shopping for a voice-activated speaker to set reminders, check in with our advice on the .

2. Make sure you always leave on time

By taking a moment to configure your go-to calendar app, you can make sure you’re notified when it’s time to head out. You can even get your tech to take traffic conditions into account. After all, you don't want to show up late to that Christmas party.

Google Calendar app

To receive alerts through your calendar app, follow these steps:

In Apple Calendar Settings  Calendar Default Alert TimesIn Google Calendar Pencil icon Map iconblue Directions Add to CalendarSettings NotificationsPlanned drives remindersPlan a driveShare trip progress Share driveForgotten to buy a present for someone? We've got you covered – see the 

3. Manage your to-do list

As gratifying as it is to cross off each item on a handwritten to-do list, phone apps make it easy to collaborate and remind yourself with notifications during the Christmas planning process.

Note-taking appNotes camera icon Google Keep

If you want to create and manage to-do lists entirely from your phone, you’ll likely need to try a few apps to find the one that best suits you. Popular options include:

Todoist Any.do TickTickAnyList If you're dealing with a sluggish phone, it might be time to upgrade – our guide to the  can help.

4. Use Do Not Disturb mode on your phone

If you need to get a task done without your phone buzzing, try activating Do Not Disturb. You might find this feature handy if you're decorating the tree, wrapping gifts or baking treats. Or just want some time to yourself while you enjoy The Muppet Christmas Carol.

Do Not Disturb on iOS

To activate Do Not Disturb mode, just follow these steps:

On iOSFocusOn AndroidDo Not Disturb

When Do Not Disturb is enabled, incoming calls, alerts and notifications will be silenced. However, you can still see notifications on your lock screen if you decide to check manually.

5. Create a shared calendar

By setting up a calendar that friends and family members will have access to ahead of Christmas, you can plan more effectively. Coordinate family dinners and gift exchanges, or use your shared view to assign tasks and responsibilities.

Accessing Google Calendar settings on desktop

To create a shared calendar, follow these steps:

In Google Calendar + iconOther calendarsCreate new calendarthree dots icon Settings and sharingApp people and groupsIn Apple CalendarCalendars Add CalendarAdd PersonIn OutlookCalendar iconAdd calendar > Create blank calendar. My calendars three dots icon Sharing and permissions

6. Use the Which? App to shortlist gift ideas

Digital Full AccessWhich? app screenshotheart icon

When browsing one of our product categories, click 'Filter' on the top-right of the screen to toggle features specific to the product you're looking at. You can even set it to only show you Best Buys, Eco Buys, Great Values, or Don't Buys.

You can also buy a lucky someone a Which? gift subscription.

 for instant access.

7. Track deliveries using a dedicated app

If you're placing lots of online orders from different stores this Christmas, using an app to keep all your tracking numbers in one place can help you stay organised.

You can view updates and delivery estimates in real time by refreshing the page.

Packages app on Android

There are lots of parcel-tracking apps to choose from on both desktop and mobile. Popular options include:

PackagesRoyal Mail ShopParcel Our guide to the  is based on survey data from thousands of shoppers.

8. Upgrade your cooking setup ahead of Christmas

With the help of our expert reviews, you can spend your money on kitchen appliances guaranteed to make cooking easier during the festive season. Or perhaps you'd prefer to gift a Best Buy instead.

Using an air fryer

Our expert product reviews cover a host of kitchen appliances, including:

 Gadgets aside, it's worth checking in with our guides to the Been good this year? Check our  for inspiration for your own Christmas gift list.

9. Try some holiday-themed apps

If you're treating yourself to a holiday this winter, you'll likely find yourself juggling transport plans, travel insurance and tedious packing jobs. But if you can find time, some handy apps for your mobile will help to make a trip easier.

PackPoint app

Other holiday apps to consider include:

DuolingoAllTrails Citymapper TheForkFor more app recommendations, see our page on .

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Which? Tech Support can help you keep on top of your home tech. Our experts explain things clearly so that you can resolve issues and feel more confident using your devices.

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By phone By email By remote fixIn print Join  today to get help with all your tech queries.

Additional reporting by Tom Morgan.

source https://www.which.co.uk/news/article/9-brilliant-ways-your-tech-can-help-you-plan-christmas-aQtxg1i2lI5u
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